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Mastering TikTok Marketing for Business Growth: Essential Training for Small and Medium Enterprises


How can businesses attract precise customers effectively? This is where our TikTok marketing system comes into play.

Our comprehensive course is designed to:

– Establish your TikTok marketing system

– Target the right audience

– Optimize operations

– Build a sustainable customer acquisition strategy

Course Outline:

10- Session 9: Designing three monetization pathways for businesses to simplify transactions.

11- Session 10: Crafting a lovable persona: How to become everyone’s favorite.

12- Session 11: Preventing follower loss with a single strategy: Keeping followers hooked on your content.

13- Session 12: Achieving stellar data with a new account: Three small tips for nurturing new accounts.

14- Session 13: What does starting an account entail? How to precisely initiate an account.

15- Session 14: Identifying target accounts: Five methods to ensure competitors have nowhere to hide.

16- Session 15: Eight methods to tag your account effectively.

17- Session 16: The three key points for businesses to harness the short video boom.

18- Session 17: The critical code to unlock the eighth-level traffic pool for businesses.

19- Session 18: Why do most businesses struggle with short video marketing?

1- Preliminary Class

20- Session 19: The universal video customer acquisition formula: Use it to secure orders effortlessly.

21- Session 20: Customer acquisition traffic codes for custom and investment-type enterprises.

22- Session 21: TikTok search versus the blue ocean: The corporate value of TikTok SEO.

23- Session 23: How can businesses utilize TikTok SEO for customer acquisition?

24- Session 24: The three core codes for achieving top video rankings.

25- Session 25: Creating a corporate TikTok keyword library: How and why it’s crucial.

26- Session 26: The keyword deployment method for effortlessly achieving video rankings.

27- Session 27: Ten crucial steps in keyword layout: Missing one can jeopardize rankings.

28- Session 28: How to optimize keywords for stable rankings and achieve video search.

29- Session 29: How to attract precise customers through TikTok without posting videos or live streaming.

2- Session 1: The logic of TikTok business: How new enterprises can quickly achieve results.

3- Session 2: Why a brand under three years old became the category leader.

4- Session 3: The underlying logic of precise TikTok marketing.

5- Session 4: Six models for short video accounts that allow rapid takeoff.

6- Session 5: Three profit directions to easily accept orders for businesses.

7- Session 6: The four keys to creating great content on TikTok, ensuring effort leads to results.

8- Session 7: How to target your ideal customer, ensuring every transaction is a major deal.

9- Session 8: Mastering TikTok keyword targeting, focusing only on valuable customers.


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