Certainly! Here’s a revised version of the content, maintaining the structure and the image tag as requested:

Mastering Industrial Short Video Editing: 10 Techniques for Corporate Videos

实业短视频基础剪辑篇|专属企业,拍摄10大技巧 剪辑全集插图

Course Content:

1. Shot Transition Techniques

2. Zoom In

3. Zoom Out

4. Tilt Down

5. Tilt Up

6. Push-Pull Combination

7. Shooting from Behind

8. Side-angle Shooting

9. Upward Tilt and Pull Back

10. Downward Movement and Push Forward

11. Horizontal Movement

12. First Lesson on Filming

13. Second Lesson on Filming

14. Third Lesson on Filming

15. First Lesson on Composition

16. Second Lesson on Composition

17. Third Lesson on Composition

18. Fourth Lesson on Composition

19. Fifth Lesson on Composition

20. Finding the Right Reference for Lesson One.mp4

21. Quick Extraction of Reference Music for Lesson Two.mp4

22. Timing Beats for Lesson Three.mp4

23. Importing Footage for Lesson Four.mp4

24. Adjusting Proportions for Lesson Five.mp4

25. Speed Adjustment for Lesson Six.mp4

26. Adding Subtitles for Lesson Seven.mp4

This version retains the original structure and information while providing a clearer and more organized presentation of the course content. Let me know if there’s anything else you’d like to adjust!


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