Certainly! Here’s a revised version of the article, keeping the image tag unchanged and focusing on detailed content:

Mastering Small Red Book Store Explosions: A Comprehensive Guide to Small Red Book E-commerce


Course Content:

Lesson 10: How to Select Products on Douyin Stores (Part 2)

Lesson 11: Tips on Product Selection (Part 1)

Lesson 12: Tips on Product Selection (Part 2)

Lesson 13: Selecting Hot-selling Items on Merchant Platforms (Part 1)

Lesson 14: Selecting Hot-selling Items on Mobile Platforms (Part 2)

Lesson 15: Account Management Strategies on Small Red Book

Lesson 16: Crafting Your Small Red Book Account

Lesson 17: Complete Process of Publishing Notes on Small Red Book

Lesson 18: Operational Processes for Note Management on Small Red Book

Lesson 19: Internal Transfer Strategies on Small Red Book

Lesson 1: Why Should We Focus on Small Red Book?

Lesson 20: Sourcing Materials on Douyin

Lesson 21: Daily Maintenance of Notes on Small Red Book

Lesson 22: Editing Techniques (Part 2)

Lesson 23: Tools – Downloading Videos and Images using Zhi Zu Bao Plugin (Part 1)

Lesson 24: What is Intellectual Property (IP)?

Lesson 25: How to Identify Niche Areas on Small Red Book

Lesson 26: Fine-tuning Operational Strategies by Benchmarking Accounts

Lesson 27: Precision Topic Selection for IP

Lesson 28: Content Creation Techniques

Lesson 29: Comprehensive Review Processes

Lesson 2: Step-by-Step Guide to Opening a Store on Small Red Book

Lesson 30: Commercial Monetization Strategies for Accounts

Lesson 3: Basic Setup of a Small Red Book Store

Lesson 4: Process of Product Listing on Small Red Book Store

Lesson 5: Customer Service Chat Procedures

Lesson 6: Operating Marketing Tools for Store Promotion

Lesson 7: Product Listing and Order Placement Tutorial

Lesson 8: Product Selection Techniques on Taobao

Lesson 9: Product Selection on Douyin (Part 1)

Lesson 40: Mobile Store Setup Process on Small Red Book

Lesson 41: (New) Order Placement Procedures

Lesson 42: Utilizing Official Traffic to Publish Notes

Lesson 43: Archaeological Operations Process

Lesson 44: (New+) Product Listing and Optimization Processes (Part 1)

Lesson 45: Decrypting Small Red Book Order Quota Application Rules (Part 1)

Lesson 46: Coupon and Discount Settings, Participation in Promotions

Lesson 419: New Additions (Details on Video Editing)

Lesson 31: Monetizing Private Channels – Product Distribution

Lesson 32: Monetizing Private Channels – Directing Traffic to Private Channels

Lesson 33: Monetizing Private Channels – Operational Strategies

Lesson 34: Product Listing via Mobile Devices

Lesson 35: Finding Original Manufacturers on Duoduo and Suitable Products for Novices on Small Red Book

Lesson 36: How to Place Orders and Ship via Mobile

Lesson 37: Download and Installation of Computer Plugins

Lesson 38: Tutorial on Sandwich Video Editing Techniques

Lesson 39: Basic Settings on Small Red Book

This revision expands and organizes the course content into a detailed guide for mastering e-commerce on Small Red Book, encompassing various aspects from store setup to content creation and monetization strategies.


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