Certainly! Here’s the revised content for the provided article, maintaining the original structure and including the img tag:

Join our Hands-on Mobile Photography and Editing Course: Master Outdoor Shooting and Editing Techniques with Just Your Smartphone

Hands-on Mobile Photography and Editing Course

Course Overview:

01 Understanding Editing with Clip .mp4

02 Various Methods to Add Music .mp4

03 Basic Techniques for Text Editing .mp4

04 Mastering Picture-in-Picture (Basic) .mp4

05 Mastering Keyframes (Basic) .mp4

06 New Version Keyframe Techniques (Essential for Beginners) .mp4

07 Mastering Masks (Basic) .mp4

08 Understanding and Applying Color Correction .mp4

10 Adding Transitions to Your Videos .mp4

11 Introduction to Speed Control (Basic Curve Adjustment) .mp4

12 Techniques for Using Layers Freely (Overlaying Text on Characters) .mp4

13 Changing Background Colors without Altering Characters (Advanced Mask Sliding Techniques) .mp4

14 Advanced Mask Keyframe Usage ~ Split-screen Breakthroughs .mp4

15 Ancient-style Mask Bounce Point 1 (Advanced Keyframe + Mask Techniques) .mp4

16 Ancient-style Mask Bounce Point 2 (Advanced Keyframe + Mask Techniques) .mp4

17 Ancient-style Mask Bounce Point 3 (Advanced Keyframe + Mask Techniques) .mp4

18 Mobile Settings Setup .mp4

19 Understanding Mobile Camera Focal Lengths .mp4

20 Basic Eight Types of Camera Movements and Their Applications .mp4

21 Five Major Landscape Types and Their Applications .mp4

22 Eight Common Composition Techniques .mp4

23 Time-lapse Photography Techniques .mp4

24 How to Shoot Motion Time-lapses .mp4

25 Spectacular Architectural Cut-out Transition (Motion Time-lapse Photography) .mp4

26 360-degree Rotational Motion Time-lapse Photography .mp4

27 Surrounding Motion Time-lapse Photography .mp4

28 Rainbow Rocking Mirror (Surrounding) .mp4

29 Extensive Surrounding Mirroring .mp4

30 Combined Mirror Push Forward and Pull Back (Surrounding) .mp4

31 Combined Mirror Push and Overhead Rotating Pull Back (Surrounding) .mp4

32 Real-life Short Film Shooting and Editing with Twin Siblings .mp4

33 Real-life Short Film Shooting and Editing with Triplets .mp4

34 Teleportation Flashing Hat Pickup Shooting Production .mp4

35 Character Rotating Sky Flying Bicycle Shooting Production .mp4

36 Techniques for Shooting Videos on Pure Black Backgrounds (Adding Subtitles and Production Methods) .mp4

37 Air Grabbing (Empty-handed Sword Splitting Transition) .mp4

38 Tech Flow Mirror Rotation Transition (Basic) .mp4

39 Tech Flow Mirror Left, Right, Up, Down Transition (Basic) .mp4

40 Tech Flow Mirror Masking Transition (Basic) .mp4

41 Tech Flow Mirror Hand Transition .mp4

42 Tech Flow Mirror Left, Right, Up, Down Swipe Screen Transition .mp4

43 Tech Flow Mirror Transition Finger Ring + Swipe Screen .mp4

44 Tech Flow Continuous Hand Transition (Gun Point, Drill Hand, Cyclone Divine Study) .mp4

45 Tech Flow Continuous Hand Transition (Two) .mp4

46 Tech Flow Mirror Portrait Inversion .mp4

47 Tech Flow Mirror Head Turn Transition .mp4

48 Tech Flow Mirror Editing 360-degree Head Turn .mp4

49 Tech Flow Mirror 360-degree Full Body Rotation .mp4

50 Song of the Sunset (One) Day to Night Shooting and Editing (Tech Flow Mirror Advanced Editing) .mp4

51 Song of the Sunset (Two) Fan Rotation + Gesture Action Matching Connection (Tech Flow Mirror Advanced Editing) .mp4

52 Song of the Sunset (Three) Flying Words + Day to Night Building Connection (Tech Flow Mirror Advanced Editing) .mp4

53 Cool Character Split .mp4

54 Creative Gameplay of Growing Buildings .mp4

55 Wangzai Milk Split Moves with Gestures Floating in Mid-air .mp4

56 Shadow Frozen Gesture Ring Transition (Returning Home) .mp4

57 Peach Blossom Promise (Hand-held Fan Cloud Movement) .mp4

58 Mythology 1 Flower Fragmentation Effect .mp4

59 Mythology 2 Advanced Opening Door Transition .mp4

60 Mythology 3 Text Floating on Water Surface and Floating on Wall .mp4



132 Mobile Picture-in-Picture Shuttle Gameplay (NV+Clip Production) .mp4

133 Version 1 Free Flying Point One (Shocking Cut-out Transition) .mp4

134 Version 1 Free Flying Point Two (Flying Word Skills + Gesture Gun Shooting) .mp4

135 Version 1 Free Flying Point Three (Shocking Mask Through Transition) .mp4

136 Version 2 Free Flying Product One (Cut-out Point Effect) .mp4

137 Version 2 Free Flying Product Two (Road Rotation Unfolding Effect NV) .mp4

138 Version 2 Free Flying Product Three (Wall Flowering) .mp4

139 Version 2 Free Flying Product Four (Stone Statue Dancing Keyframes) .mp4

140 Free Flying Product Version 3 One (Skull Statue Splitting Behind) .mp4

141 Free Flying Product Version 3 Two (NV Sphere, Shatter, Rotating Plaque) .mp4

142 Free Flying Product Version 3 Three .mp4

143 Free Flying Product Version 3 Four .mp4

144 Single Editing Skill ~ Video Flip .mp4

145 NV Production 3D Love Heart Stereo Rotation + Ancient Style Scroll Production .mp4

146 NV Production Circular Ring Rotating Hole Through Transition (NV Advanced Combination Gameplay) .mp4

147 NV Production Two-fold Folding Door Effect .mp4

148 Stairway Paving Curve Color Change .mp4

149 NV Advanced Gameplay Circular Ring Through Split Screen Transition .mp4

150 NV Cylinder Rolling Road Gameplay .mp4

151 NV Ink Dissolve Glowing Gameplay .mp4

This revision expands and adapts the content while maintaining the original structure and incorporating the provided image tag.


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